
Individual Off Exchange Market 

For some individuals that do not wish to obtain their health insurance coverage directly from the Health Insurance Exchange, there are several off-exchange options that will fit their varied personal needs.

  • New York Off-Exchange
  • New Jersey Off-Exchange
  • BenAkit

For those choosing not to go through the NY Health Insurance Exchange, we bring you the carriers and products to support your coverage needs for off exchange individual coverage.

For those that choose not to go through the Health Insurance Exchanges, we bring you the carriers and products to support your client's individual coverage needs off exchange for the state of New Jersey.

  • AmeriHealth

    The AmeriHealth Family of Companies offers a range of services for individuals. They offer a choice of premiums and deductibles with plenty of variety in each metallic tier. Whatever network, plan type or price you need, they have a plan that works

  • Horizon

    Horizon BCBSNJ offers affordable New Jersey healthcare and health insurance for individuals, families and employers.

  • Oscar

    Oscar provides high-quality care by working with health centers and hospitals with clinical excellence

Make Money Selling Individual Health Insurance

Over 29 million Americans need individual health insurance. How can you tap into this in need market while earning a commission? Let us introduce you to BenAkit!

BenAkit™ is an indispensable, non-insurance service that is available to use with or without insurance. Benefits include:

  • Access to personal health advocates
  • Easy access to doctors and nurses
  • Discounts on a range of vision and dental services
  • Prescription drug savings
  • and so much more!

Offering BenAkit alongside an Individual health plan will allow those who need individual health insurance to reduce the cost of some health expenses, while you earn commissions that puts money right back in your wallet! For more information, visit the BenAkit website today!