FFCRA Model Poster Released
The United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division (DOL) has just released its model Notice of Employee Rights under both the new Emergency Paid Sick Leave and the expanded Family and Medical Leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). For a more in-depth look at these requirements, please reference our compliance article on the FFCRA. As a brief summary, employers with less than 500 employees are required to provide paid leave for employee absences related to the Coronavirus. The paid leave provides about 80 hours of leave (for full-time employees) for a variety of COVID-19 issues, and the FMLA expansion provides broadened leave access (with pay) to employees who must look after children due to school closures or unavailability of daycare.
Each applicable employer must post this notice in a conspicuous place in an area frequented by employees on the work premises. You can find the model notice HERE.
Our priority is to effectively communicate these COVID-19 updates in a timely manner that will help all of us get through this together. For more COVID-19 (Coronavirus) resources, tips, and fact sheets please visit our FNA COVID-19 Resource Center.